Sunday, January 13, 2008


Audience does play a large role in my writing. The context and composure of my writing differs depending on my audience, whether it be an email to my teacher or a letter to my grandmother, every piece of writing I write I think about who it is going to be written for before I put my ideas on paper. If I am writing something for myself, an audience of one, I tend to think less about what I am writing and just do it. Because I know what I was thinking at the time of the writing it is much easier for me to do rather than stressing over what other people are going to think about it. The biggest difficulty I have with my writing is the audience. I find myself trying to think on the audiences level and eventually I get so lost that I forget what I am even writing about.
Purpose is the most important thing to think about in your writing. Unless I am writing a paper for a class that I have no interest in, I try to make my writing as thoughtful as possible. I attempt to put my emotions out on a platter whether they are good or bad. I feel this is the best way to write because you are not holding anything back. If you are trying to make stuff up that you have not experienced or have not felt it makes it harder for the audience to grasp on what you are trying to explain.
I do not find myself concentrating on the design of my writing unless like I said it is for a class or a project. When I write I try to just let my ideas flow however they do and I go back after words to examine the structure of it. Although design is a very important aspect of writing I do not think about it as much as the purpose of my writing and who I am writing it for.

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