Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Class Structure

I do think that the content of my writing is altered when i post it on the internet because i know that other people can see it. I think that this is a good thing, it makes me think about writing more for an audience rather than just the professor. Commenting and getting comments is definately a good thing to me, i find myself analyzing other peoples writings and noticing things they are doing in their writing that i am not. Also, for the most part the comments on my content are things that can help me. Yes the blogging is making me more aware of what the content of my writing entails. Lately i have found myself reading over my posts a couple times before i submit them to make sure they are alright, and i did not really do that before in my writings which is not a good thing. I think that this is a good structure for the class and would be good to use for future classes.

1 comment:

Andrea Stemaly said...

I'm glad you've found it helpful.