Thursday, February 7, 2008

Project Proposal

My essay will be about alternative fuel sources and how they can change the world for the better. I will use research that I gather to get an understanding of some of the factual benefits rather than just the overall idea that it is better. I will use this research to compare and contrast to fuel sources that we are using now and what the possibilities are if we can change that. I am going to first talk about what we use now for transportation and how it is having negative effects on our environment and society. I will then talk about what type of fuel sources are being discovered and the changes they will make in our everyday life. Finally I will talk about what can happen if we do not change our ways to the environment and the way that people go about their everyday lives. My argument is obviously on the side of changing our fuel sources to more energy efficient and less harmful substances. The research I get will hopefully help me to have a solid argument.

1 comment:

Andrea Stemaly said...

What about the counterarguments? And what is the historical use of different forms? How long have they been around and how effective are they?